Dwight Werner
On the first day of kindergarten a bully from the third grade punched me in the face and gave me a bloody nose. Our family moved around a lot and I was always the new kid and a target.
When I became an adult and had children of my own, my son got picked on by a bully and did not want to go to school. My son was 6 and the bully was 13.
I did not want my son to go through his youth always afraid like I did. When I was younger, I begged my mother to take me to karate. We never could afford it. I decided to sign my son and daughter up. When I got there the instructor asked me if I would like to try it. I thought I was too old but did it anyways. Well, it turned out to be one of the best things I ever did.
The Martial Arts became a passion for me and so I became an Instructor. Then when my job at General Motors was eliminated I turned it into my full time profession. I traveled all around the world seeking out the best Martial Arts Masters I could find to teach me their techniques which I combined into Kai-Zen Do.
My children did not have to grow up afraid, doing things they knew they shouldn't to be accepted. They are in control of their actions and emotions. Their level of fitness, self discipline and confidence are off the charts. The Martial Arts is my gift to them.
With over 25,000 classes under our belts since 1991, we have learned a few things and love teaching!
Dwight Werner:
1st Degree Black Belt: 01/12/1990
2nd Degree Black Belt: 06/15/1991
3rd Degree Black Belt: 05/12/1994
4th Degree Black Belt: 08/15/2005
5th Degree Black Belt: 07/09/2011
6th Degree Black Belt: 07/11/2020
2014 Certified Senior Yoga Instructor through Silver Age Yoga
2014 Certified Yoga teacher 200 through Yoga Alliance
1994: ETP Certification from Private Ventures Inc. Licensed by the State of Michigan
1997: Awarded by Executive Declaration of Governor John Engler: Certificate of Commendation, recognizing Dwight Werner as Young Fitness Leader of the Year.
2004: Nominated for Citizen of the Year for Bedford Township, Michigan
2005: Hero Award awarded by EFC Black Belt Schools an International Martial Arts School Management Company.
Currently affiliated with or have been affiliated with:
MATA (Martial Arts Teachers Association)
MAIA (Martial Arts Industry Association)
NAPMA (National Association Of Professional Martial Artists)
EFC (Educational Funding Company)
CKDMAI (Choi Kwang Do Martial Art International)
TASMA (Transported After School Martial Arts)
NSA (National Security Alliance)
Kinect Martial Arts International
The "100"
Main Instructors:
Grandmaster Kwang Choi : Choi Kwang Do
Master Michael Coleman: Choi Kwang Do
Master Gene Duncan: Choi Kwang do
Grandmaster Hwa Chong: Tae Kwon Do
Grandmaster John Graden: Pro-Star Martial Arts
Grandmaster Keith Hafner: Martial Arts business practices
KJN Tom Callos: Founder of the "100"
Also attended (and taught) many seminars by other instructors all over the world.